Monday, June 22, 2015

21 Days

Today marks the first day of my 21 Day Fix diet.

This is going to be rough.

My sister-in-law is a workout nazi and has recently become a BeachBody coach. So now I get to suffer along with her, as she starts challenge groups and pressures me into joining them :/

I have already been working out to the Chalean Extreme videos. I normally do cardio, so I figured it was time to get some strength training in there.

I really like these workouts! I have a bad knee, so I really needed to start doing something low impact that wouldn't put more pressure on my joints. These are awesome, because I still work up a sweat, and I actually feel like i'm building muscle. 

In a couple of days, i'm flying down to Florida for my friend's wedding. While I definitely plan on enjoying the reception and the open bar, i'm going to do my best to eat clean the rest of my time there. God help me.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

What Have I Been Up To?

So what have I been up to?

Started my new job, which I LOVE.

That is definitely not how I dress for work, but it’s fun to pretend like I do.

I met up with friends in Colorado for our second annual President’s Day weekend ski trip!

I met up with a good friend I hadn’t seen in over a year for St Patty’s Day in Philly.

Our staches sparkled.

Spent a month in Middle of Nowhere, Alabama for work, where I traveled to Destin, New Orleans, and Chattanooga on the weekends.

Now I’m back in DC and ready for summer!

The amount of time it took me to make this post was ridiculous, and reminded me why I always think about blogging, but never actually do it.